We need 15 minutes of your time to help hoteliers in British Columbia with economically crippling labour shortages. Please click here to complete this online survey by February 12, 2016, or visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCTourismLabourSurvey. The BCHA will raffle off two IPads as a thank you for helping us collect data on labour shortages in the accommodation industry.
The following survey, and resulting information, will be used to:
• Gain a solid understanding of the economic potential of tourism and hospitality businesses in British Columbia;
• Gain a solid understanding of how labour shortages are impacting tourism and hospitality businesses; and,
• Estimate the potential economic losses to regional and provincial economies resulting from tourism and hospitality businesses that are unable to fill certain positions and, as a result, are not able to operate at full capacity.
Your experiences and views are very important to the successful completion of this study.
Please complete this online survey today, it only takes 15 minutes: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCTourismLabourSurvey
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