Destination British Columbia recently released the Value of Tourism 2014: A Snapshot of Tourism in BC, which summarizes the economic contribution of the tourism industry including tourism generated GDP, revenue, employment, wages and salaries as well as tourism tax revenue–and the news is good.
Among the key findings, in 2014, tourism GDP grew more rapidly than that of the BC economy as a whole. Tourism generated $14.6 billion in revenue, a 5.1% increase over 2013. Tourism contributed $7.1 billion GDP to the provincial economy, 4.5% growth over 2013. A study of 10 years of data allows a longer view perspective on the tourism industry –and the numbers are even more dramatic. The 2014 figures show 127,500 people were employed in tourism, a 2.2% increase over 2013, and a whopping 18.4% increase since 2004. The tourism industry paid $4.3 billion in wages and salaries, up 4.5% over 2013.
Find more information on preliminary findings from the Value of Tourism 2014: A Snapshot of Tourism in BC here.
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