Home / World Tourism / The Best Places in US To Watch the Upcoming Meteor Showers

The Best Places in US To Watch the Upcoming Meteor Showers


Few things in the world have the ability to inspire as much awe as a sky full of sparkling stars. And when some of those stars are of the shooting variety, well then the magic goes off the charts.

Spotting meteors—aka ‘shooting stars’—isn’t as hard as you may think, as major meteor showers generally happen at the exact same time each year. This means that, in theory, all you should have to do to fully enjoy one is to be out after dark on the right night and look skyward, but it’s not that simple though as most of us live in areas that suffer from excessive light pollution. While you can most certainly catch a glimpse of greatness at home, heading to a truly dark area is the only sure-fire way to have a remarkable experience meteor watching.

November and December see the Leonids (peaking on November 17 & 18) and the Geminids (peaking December 14th) streak across the sky, and the following places are the best spots in the country to take these meteor showers in.


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